Nov 27 2008
Welcome to my Website. In addition to the occasional thought or muse, there are links to stories, and poems, both on-line and available for purchase, as well as a few freebies thrown in for good measure. And if you want to comment, ask a question, or keep in touch, please drop me a line, visit me on:
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Recent Posts:
Interview with Deborah Walker (and Kedra Crich)
An interview with two people — at least to incarnations of the same individual. A little over six years ago, Deborah Walker decided to throw sensible advice to the wind, quit her day job, and, as she puts it, “give this writing malarkey a try.” She hasn’t look back since. Translated into more than a dozen languages, her stories have graced the pages of a number of prominent magazines, journals and anthologies, such as Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, Nature’s Futures, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet and The Year’s Best S. Read More –>>
Interview with Andrew J. Lucas
Andrew J. Lucas’s story, “The End of the Line” takes place in the far, distant future where industrial smelters orbit black holes using the peculiarities of Quantum Mechanics to create indestructible construction supplies. Something goes wrong and the lives of two men are ripped apart on a physical, emotional and atomic level. Then the story really gets going… Read More –>
Check out the other Recent Posts in the sidebar 
Recent Publications:
“Supersedure” appearing in Issue 35 of Silverblade
“Please watch your step, Administrator Queen, as you exist the PT. There’s some moisture on the surface. It might be slippery.”
“Personal Transport,” thought Queen. They used to be called cars. But, then again, people used to actually drive themselves. That was one thing he didn’t really miss. Back in the day, fresh out of the academy, he started in Traffic. A few months of scraping babies off of windshields could make one appreciate the end of people actually driving their own cars–well, almost.
No one worked traffic anymore. Except the PTs, talking to each other; coordinating the traffic flow. There hadn’t been an accident in years–till now.
“Resourcing Humans” appears in Issue #213 of AntipodeanSF
“Things were happening; things were moving — forward!” sang Smith as he sprang from his bed. Today was the day. He could feel it. Today, he’d be moving upward and onward. Not that he didn’t love his job.”
“The Hero Recruitment Bureau” is out! Check out Vol. 03 No. 11 of Heater !
“The world needs a hero. Everyone knows it. I’d like to give
them one. We’re all desperate for one. That may be our only
chance, because heroes aren’t born; they’re made—in the cru-
cible of desperation.
I look at the guy sprawled across the floor. His guts were pouring
out onto the nice shiny tiles. He looks up at me in panic.
His face is a mask of desperation.
It’s not enough though.
I squeeze off a couple of rounds. The mask disintegrates
beneath a spray of red and gray. Heroes wearing masks are
cliche anyway.” Want more? Get a copy of the issue here!
“A Hero’s Welcome” is out! Check out Vol. 04 No 02 of New Realm!
“The young man faced a dozen rough men and tried to swallow
his fear. It stuck in his throat. The men looked like they knew how
to use those cudgels; and there were twelve of them. In the last
town there had only been three, and the moment he had drawn his
sword, they all took off like sand rabbits. He looked into the eyes
of the men before him. No sand rabbits there–except for him.”Go on, you know you’re hooked. Get a copy of the issue here!
“Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’ve ” will be appearing in the Nov./Dec. ’16 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine (v140, to be released Dec. 1.)
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