Tag Archive 'heroes'

Aug 09 2010

My Crime Fighting Career

Published by under poetry

Dog-eared and yellow
Bent and worn in its Kodachrome frame
A crime fighting hero in shades of blue.

I always did want to save the world.

I was six or maybe seven
When my mother sat at the Singer
And created for me
A cape and cowl
A custom costume fit.
From patterns and cloth found in a trunk in the attic

I was going to save the world.

I set out on patrol
To rid the world
Of the Dastardly and the Diabolical
The Menacing and the Maniacal
But the bad guys had shed their costumed skein
And wander the streets
All disguised as men.
How does one join the Justice League
To know whom is the hero and whomthe villain?

It was going to be tough saving the world.

Bent and broken
The blues faded to gray
Team Superhero was revealed.
Not only to be in the service,
But, the promoter and distributor,
Of Evil

I am, oh, so tired from trying to save the world.

Now, a dark night avenger
Black and shadowy shell
Yet the heart remains

A hero trying to survive the world.

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